Excess weight is a very serious problem that has a negative impact on the human body. Affecting not only appearance, but also health, it does not allow obese people to exist normally in society, build their personal life and play their favorite sports. The problem of excess weight is especially noticeable for athletes, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetics. Ordinary people are not immune from excess weight, so it is very important to know how much can be lost in a month and what needs to be done for this.
How much weight can you lose in a month
Many people are interested in how many kg they can lose weight in 1 month. There is no definitive answer to this question: the number of kilograms lost depends on which of the following methods was chosen to lose excess weight:

how to lose weight fast
- Weight loss without physical activity on a vegetarian diet - such a complete rejection of any meat and eating only vegetables and fruits allows you to lose up to 2-3 kg per week, which at the end of the month will lead to a weight loss of 10- 15kg
- Protein diet with physical activity - this short 7-day diet, necessarily combined with physical activity, which includes 5-6 meals a day with high-protein foods, vegetable salads, fresh fruits, allows you to lose up to 7-10 kg of excess weight. A feature of this diet is that it can not be used for more than a week.
- Daily half-hour jogging: If you run for at least 30 minutes every day, you will burn 40-50g of fat per day, that is, 1-1. 5kg per month. This weight loss method is suitable for people who only have a few extra pounds and do not want to burden themselves with diets and going to the gym.
- Great physical activity, along with a balanced diet: with three normal meals a day and regular training (2-3 times a week), up to 1. 5-2 kg of fat is burned per month. At the same time, flour products, carbonated and alcoholic beverages should be excluded from the diet.
Important!Weight loss is necessary only for people who are overweight and have a body mass index of more than 25. For others, such a procedure will cause serious harm to health, cause dysfunction of the digestive, urinary and cardiovascular systems, and affect the psycho-state. a person's emotionalIn the most severe cases, burning fat by a person of normal weight can lead to muscle loss and malnutrition.
Is it possible to lose 14 kilograms?
How much can you lose if losing weight is safe for your health? Many people want to know how to lose 14 kg in a month. It is not clear what the magical meaning of the number "14" is, but such excess weight can be lost not only in a month, but in a shorter period (10 days). With such a diet, the diet consists of the following products:
- The first 2 days: 200-250 g of tomato juice, 20-25 g of black bread (rye bread), 1 liter of bifidokefir with a fat content of 1. 5%;
- The next 2 days (3-4 days) - natural insoluble coffee with milk with 1. 5% fat and a tablespoon of honey (in the morning); 200 g of chicken broth with herbs and carrots, 2 tablespoons of canned green peas (for lunch); 150 g of boiled chicken breast removed from the broth (dinner).
- Day 5-6 - 2 apples and 2 oranges (early in the morning and between lunch and dinner); a bowl (200-250 g) of vegetable soup (lunch); 200-250 g of vegetable salad in vegetable oil;
- Day 7 - 1 liter of bifidocifir with a fat content of 1. 5% for the whole day in 3 divided doses (morning, afternoon and evening).
With such a diet, you can also drink unsweetened green tea, clean drinking water with the addition of lemon juice, ginger and a small amount of honey.
Important!Before deciding to lose 14 kg per month, you should consult a specialist; perhaps such a sharp decrease in body weight negatively affects your health.
If you don't eat for a month
When losing weight, in some cases it is very useful to refuse dinner, replacing it with a light snack in the evening. At the same time, such a meal schedule has the following advantages:

- Improve sleep and fight insomnia: With a heavy and late dinner, the stomach heaviness that occurs can often cause sleep disorders or insomnia. It is easier for the body that is not loaded with dinner to enter a state of deep and healthy sleep.
- Normalization of the regimen - thanks to healthy sleep and the absence of insomnia.
- Reduce the amount of body fat deposited: every calorie consumed with dinner is not consumed and will inevitably turn into body fat. By refusing dinner, such a problem disappears by itself.
- Improve appetite: If you don't eat dinner at night, your appetite in the morning will be excellent.
The most important result of skipping dinner is weight loss. Thus, according to several experts and specialists, excluding dinner from meal times allows you to lose from 1. 5-2 kg (girls or women) to 3. 5-4 kg (men). At the same time, how much weight a person will lose is affected by their physique: people who are fuller and obese will lose weight much faster than those who have a normal or slim physique and are slightly overweight.
Dinner refusal can be used as an effective weight loss tool for 1-2 months. The possible harm of a longer evening fast (6 months to a year or more) is a higher risk of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Important!Entering the query "safe weight loss how much per month" in a search engine, you can find many different answers - from 2-3 to 20 kg. From a purely medical point of view, a safe weight loss per month should not exceed 4 kg (no more than 1 kg per week).
monthly exercise program
In a note.A monthly weight loss program is a set of physical exercises, which, together with a diet and adherence to a regimen, should ensure maximum reduction of excess weight, cleansing and healing of the entire body.
For men, the weight loss training program includes repeated exercises for 4 weeks, such as:
- On day 1 strength exercises are performed - bench press and dumbbell lifting of 8 kg, track running;
- On the second day, a series of exercises are performed aimed at hardening the body, strengthening the cardiovascular system (aerobic exercise): swimming, jogging on rough terrain;
- Day 3: squats, leg raises, barbell squats, leg press;
- Day 4 is dedicated to aerobic activities such as swimming, jogging;
- On day 5, a set of exercises is performed to strengthen and develop the muscles of the back, the press;
- Day 6 is dedicated to swimming, sprints;
- Day 7 rest and recovery.
Important!Each strength exercise must be performed a certain number of times and approaches. An increase in the load can lead to sprains and ruptures of ligaments, overwork of the body, obstruction of the muscles. After such an excessive and excessively hard training, the body will recover for a long time.
The training program for women is more gentle: it is based on exercises with light weights, squats and abdominal exercises. In weight loss training programs for women there are no exercises with heavy weights and significant power loads.

Each workout (male or female) begins and ends with a special 20- to 30-minute series of exercises to strengthen and develop the cardiovascular (cardio) system: swimming, running on a treadmill, a short run down the hall or street, getting squat without weight, jump in place or jump rope.
Important!Weight loss program for a month at home includes simple exercises with dumbbells, push-ups, sit-ups. They start such training with a minimum number of approaches, and the number of exercises per approach, gradually increasing to a reasonable limit.
How to eat during the month
When losing weight, nutrition (PP diet - the right diet for weight loss), which, along with physical activity, plays a very important role, should consist of the following products:
- Vegetables and fruits, as well as salads from them;
- boiled chicken breast;
- Chicken soup;
- Low-fat types of fish (hake, haddock);
- Low-fat dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, milk, yogurts, and yogurt drinks);
- Kashi (barley, oats, rice).
In a note.At the same time, you should not eat foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates (flour products, sweets), preservatives and other additives harmful to the body.
Schedule and weight loss plan
To lose weight, you need a weight loss plan and program. The first includes the schedule of classes and diet, the second - the weight loss dynamics built on the basis of the plan for months in the form of a diary.
The simplest, but at the same time effective weight loss plan includes:
- Three balanced meals a day: hearty breakfast, hot lunch, light and early dinner;
- Physical training: for the diet to be effective, you need to strengthen yourself with constant physical activity: you need to do exercises, go to the gym. If there is no opportunity or time for this, you can just run and do daily exercises in the morning. At the same time, the best time for jogging is at night. In the summer, all training and physical activities are best done outdoors, in cold weather it is better to move them indoors or join a gym.
- Compliance with the regimen: go to bed daily at 10: 00 p. m. and get up at 7: 00 a. m. ;
- Constant weight control is a simple procedure for monitoring the dynamics of weight loss and evaluating the effectiveness of diet and exercise. To find the most accurate and correct weight, simple and inexpensive electronic floor scales are needed.
- Health care: a healthy body will be more inclined to shed excess weight than a weakened and unhardened one. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the state of health: prevent colds, drink vitamins and vitamin complexes in spring and autumn, periodically undergo examinations.
In addition to everything described above, to get a real result - a beautiful and slender body, you need dedication, perseverance and considerable willpower, which not every person possesses.